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2020-08-31 11:58:22 伊泽瑞尔

K/DA全新单曲完整版!作为S8出道即巅峰的游戏组合K/DA酷炫的特效和高颜值的容颜让不少玩家位置疯狂,北京时间8月28日,K/DA组合将首发新单曲The Baddest。勾起了不少玩家的好奇,感兴趣的小伙伴一起来看看吧。

试听地址:K/DA全新单曲THE BADDEST完整版

K/DA 成员组合介绍

K/DA 队长,创始人兼职主唱;

8月25日 伊芙琳 (THE DIVA):

K/DA 副主唱;

8月26日 卡莎 (THE DANCER):

K/DA 舞蹈兼职团队编舞;

8月27日 阿卡丽(THE REBEL):

K/DA Rapper


Baddest do what the baddest do

The baddest do we the baddest ooh

Baddest do what the baddest do

The baddest do we the baddest

Coming at you live

Real real wild

Here to light it up

Set the world on fire

Gonna break rules

And hearts in twos

Cause that's what the baddest do

Never going back

Nah not that

Diamonds on drip

Cause I came to make a splash

Gonna break rules

And hearts in twos

Cause that's what the baddest do

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